Saturday, October 27, 2012

for all the students down there, jiayou dont give up and listen to this song, hopefully laugh abit and forget about your troubles, and dont give up!
Ps: i sing de, please dont flame me or wad.
I regret choosing this song anw, tao nao pai den choose @dele de song.
Maybe after exams i have another song : Set fire to my notes.

leongge88 screamed @ 4:44 AM

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To my dearest bunkmate, please go and treat your foot.


leongge88 screamed @ 12:03 AM

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


leongge88 screamed @ 2:18 AM

Monday, January 18, 2010

renci charity show is coming back soon, but will the support still be there?
what about m***y*? i dunno sia, but i got a song jus for him, enjoy.
can't resist the urge to edit this song sia, excited, i finally get to shame this song, paiseh Taylor Swift, gomenasai.

"It went to M***y*" By Taylor Shirt

Im on the phone calling *****, they need that

They have alot of people lack healthcare

And they are not as fortunate as we dooooo

Im watching news, its a typical _______ night

Listening to how m***y* splurge his cash

And My mum was just as shocked as i do

But he wears monk robes, he looks gentle

He's venerable, and he's got supporters

Thinking bout the days when i watch him raise funds

And what im donating for has been shit the whole time

If i could see that im someone who kenna scammed to

Call like hell the line but why can't i see-ee

It went to M***y*

It went to M***y*

Watching the news with more tabloids of him

Knew his assistant had hundreds of porn cds

Stoning on the sofa, thinking to myself

Hey, isn't this crazy?

And he got another assistant, R*****d was his name

He did outrageous acts in M***y*'s name

They bought houses, i dont even noe where

What were you doing with our money like that

He owns race horse, Venezula

He drives BM while im on bus 11

Thinking bout they days when he risk his whole life

And found that he's been leading such a bloody good life

Ifi could see that im someone who kenna scammed to

Call like hell the line but why can't i see-ee

It went to M***y*

It went to M***y*

While im here sweating like a mad dog

You went to Australia for tann-ing

Qi you si li-i-i

Qi you si li

I remember the old times when u were covered with ice

I called quite one or two times with some tears in my eyes

But you bloody blur sotong use my money for race horse

Some bloody race horse, which cost hundreds per weeeek

If i could see that im someone who kenna scammed to

Call like hell the line but why can't i see-ee

It went to M***y*

It went to M***y*

While im here sweating like a mad dog

You went australia for tann-i-ing

Qi you si li-i-i

Qi you si li

It went to M***y*

Havent i ever thought just maybe-e-e

It went to M***y*

It went to M***y*

leongge88 screamed @ 3:34 AM

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

hey my stupid blog is revived! someone wanted me to blog again, so i revive this shit blog bah! anw to kickstart my blog, as usual an edited song! haha this is a factual account of some 'stupid' guy i noe tt got seen his dirty little secret in a public toilet by an old auntie, i wun tell u who's tt , go find out urself. Credits to the All American Rejects for such a wonderful song, and sorry for editing it.

"Dirty 'little' secret" 肮脏‘小’秘密 by All Singaporean Accepts

I went to school in a rush

And halfway felt a urine gush

I went all around the school

Not a toilet, not a stool

Saw a toilet from far away

Din't care about the weird door beside mei

Too late, an auntie came out from the dooooooor

Auntie saw my dirty little secret

(dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone about this or I surely make you regret

(Surely make you regret, hope that you can keep it)

My dirty little secret

She HAS TO KNOW!!!??

Felt like i was gonna die

Recited poems like 李白

Stood there for a sec or two

Why the hell didnt i move

She saw my secret from far away

The size, the shape, even where it faced

BASKET, if only it was a chio buuuuuu

Auntie knew my dirty little secret

(dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone about this or I surely make you regret

(Surely make you regret, hope that you can keep it)

My dirty little secret

She HAS TO KNOW!!!??

Her thoughts about its size

The size i can't deny

Her honest thoughts won't lie

And all I've tried to hide

It's eating me apart

Trace this life back!

Auntie knew my dirty little secret

(dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone about this or I surely make you regret

(Surely make you regret, hope that you can keep it)

Auntie knew my dirty little secret

(dirty little secret)

Don't tell anyone about this or I surely make you regret

(Surely make you regret, hope that you can keep it)

My dirty little secret,

Dirty little secret,

Dirty little secret.

She has to know!!!!???

She has to know......



leongge88 screamed @ 2:46 AM

Monday, October 16, 2006

Quote of the day: When i first saw the NS4, i was stunned. The design was stunning, the graphics
were stunning, the stimulation was stunning, the features were stunning, and
even the memory space of the console was stunning. ONE WORD, STUNNING.
It is a dream console to all gamers, yet the price is also stunning.

I'm lazy to gif my own comments, so please gif urs if u wan, especially wu zuo
who laughed the loudest... But not bad, she wrote beside, "i am stunned!!"
Thanks to ghim siang oso, who stunned me when he accidentaly spilled water
over my paper after he had read through about my KBOX 540 zzz.......

leongge88 screamed @ 7:00 PM

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Wow this is the long awaited cover for the album. I wun sae de, i wun sae the person behind is YC de. Hehe yc dun blame me for betraying u lol?

leongge88 screamed @ 12:09 AM

*Scream @ Me*

Name* 陈冠赛
Age* Bo dua bo suay, gam gam ho
Gender* 性病
Likes* 花粉
Dislikes* 割掉

Place all the info about yourself here.

*I'll tell you more*

Put all your archives here!

*Try and scare me*

